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Publikation Erscheinungsjahr

On-chip planar hydrogen sensor with sub-micrometerspatial resolution

S. Herbertz, M. Cerchez and T. Heinzel

Sensors and Actuators B 221, 401 (2015)


Commensurability resonances in two-dimensional magnetoelectric lateral superlattices

J. Schluck, S. Fasbender, and T. Heinzel

K. Pierz and H. W. Schumacher

D. Kazazis and U. Gennser



Interdependence of electroforming and hydrogen incorporation in nanoporous titanium dioxide

M. Strungaru, M. Cerchez, S. Herbertz,
T. Heinzel, M. El Achhab,
and K. Schierbaum

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 106, 143109 (2015)


Magnetoconductance of a magnetic double barrier in a quantum wire

B. Schüler , M. Cerchez , Hengyi Xu ,
T. Heinzel , D. Reuter , A.D. Wieck 

Superlattices and Microstructures 79 (2015) 54–62


Observation of quantum states without a semiclassical equivalence bound
by a magnetic field gradient

B. Schüler, M. Cerchez, Hengyi Xu,
J. Schluck, and T. Heinzel

A. D. Wieck

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90, 201111(R) (2014)


Dynamics of hydrogen sensing with Pt/TiO2 Schottky diodes

M. Cerchez, H. Langer, M. El Achhab, T. Heinzel, D. Ostermann et al.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 033522 (2013)













Impurity and edge rouhness scattering in
graphene nanoribbons: the Boltzmann approach

Hengyi Xu and Thomas Heinzel

J. Phys, Cond Mat. 24, 455303 (2012)


Sensing domain wall pinning in the longitudinal
magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional electron gas

D. Kazazis, B. Schüler, M. Granada, U. Gennser, G. Faini,
M. Cerchez,  and T. Heinzel

Superlattices and Microstructures 52,11 (2012)


Geometric magnetoconductance dips by edge roughness in graphene nanoribbons

Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel and I. V. Zozoulenko

Europhys. Lett. 97, 28008 (2012)

Conductivity and scattering in graphene bilayers: Numerically exactresults versus Boltzmann approach
Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel and I. V.Zozoulenko 
Phys. Rev. B 84, 115409 (2011)
Nonlinearity exponents in lightly doped conducting polymers
D. Talukdar, U. N. Nandi, K. K. Bardhan, C. C. Bof Bufon, T. Heinzel, A. De and C. D. Mukherjee
Phys. Rev. B 84, 054205 (2011)
Electronic properties of quantum dots formed by magnetic double barriers in quantum wires
Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel and I. V. Zozoulenko
Phys. Rev. B 84, 035319 (2011)
Correction factor in nondiffusive Hall magnetometry
M. Cerchez and T. Heinzel
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 232111 (2011)
Generic suppression of conductance quantization of interacting electrons in graphene nanoribbons in a perpendicular magnetic field
A. Shylau, I.V. Zozoulenko, Hengyi Xu and T. Heinzel
Phys. Rev. B 82, 121410(R) (2010)
Interactions and screening in gated bilayer graphene nanoribbons
Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel, A. Shylau, and I.V. Zozoulenko,
Phys. Rev. B 82, 115311 (2010) (editor's choice)

Quantized magnetic confinement in quantum wires
A. Tarasov, S. Hugger, Hengyi Xu, M. Cerchez, T. Heinzel, I. Zozoulenko, U. Gasser-Szerer, D. Reuter and A. D. Wieck
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 186801 (2010)
preprint cond-mat/0907.1802

Suppression of weak antilocalization in InAs nanowires
P. Roulleau, T. Choi, S. Riedi, T. Heinzel, I. Shorubalko,T. Ihn and K. Ensslin
Phys. Rev. B 81, 155449 (2010)
Influence of the polymerization potential on the transport properties of polypyrrole films
C. C. Bof Bufon, T. Heinzel, P. Espindola and J. Heinzel
J. Phys. Chem B 114, 714 (2010)

Transition from ballistic to diffusive behavior of graphene ribbons in the presence of warping and charged impurities

J. Klos, A. Shylau, I.V. Zozoulenko, Hengyi Xu and T. Heinzel

Phys. Rev. B 80, 245432 (2009)



Magnetic barrier in a two-dimensional hole gas

M. Cerchez, T. Heinzel, D. Reuter and A. D. Wieck

Superlattices and Microstructures 46, 723 (2009)


Piezoresistance in chemically synthesized polypyrrole thin films

S. Barnoss, H. Shanak, C. Bof Bufon and T. Heinzel

Sensors and  Actuators A 154, 79 (2009)


Edge disorder and localization regimes in bilayer graphene nanoribbons

Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel, and I. V. Zozoulenko

Phys. Rev. B 80, 045308 (2009)



Edge-disorder-induced Anderson localization and conduction gap in graphene nanoribbons

M. Evaldsson, I. V. Zozoulenko, Hengyi Xu, and T. Heinzel

Phys. Rev. B 78, 161407 (R) (2008)



Magnetic-barrier-induced conductance fluctuations in quantum wires

S. Hugger, Hengyi Xu, A. Tarasov, M. Cerchez, T. Heinzel, I. V. Zozoulenko, D. Reuter and A. D. Wieck

Phys. Rev. B 78, 165307 (2008)



Small scale lateral superlattices in two-dimensional electron gases prepared by diblock copolymer masks

S. Hugger, T. Heinzel and T. Thurn-Albrecht

Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 102110 (2008)



Magnetoresistance of antidot lattices with grain boundaries

S. Klinkhammer, Hengyi Xu, and T. Heinzel, U. Gennser, G. Faini, C. Ulysse, and A. Cavanna

Phys. Rev. B 77, 235311 (2008)  (Editor's choice)



Magnetic barriers in graphene nanoribbons: Theoretical study of transport properties

Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel M. Evaldson and I. V. Zozoulenko

Phys. Rev. B 77, 245401 (2008)



Transport properties of chemically synthesized polypyrrole thin Films

C.C. Bof Bufon and T. Heinzel

Phys. Rev. B 76, 245206 (2007)

cond-mat 0707.2711


Influence of magnetic field offsets on the resistance of magnetic barriers in two-dimensional electron gases: experiment and simulations
S. Hugger, M. Cerchez, H. Xu, and T. Heinzel

Phys. Rev. B 76, 195308 (2007)
cond-mat 0708.2032


Resonant reflection at magnetic barriers in quantum wires

Hengyi Xu, T. Heinzel, M. Evaldsson and I. V. Zozoulenko

Phys. Rev. B 75, 205301 (2007)


Effect of edge transmission and elastic scattering on the resistance of magnetic barriers

M. Cerchez, S. Hugger, T. Heinzel and N. Schulz

Phys. Rev. B 75, 035341 (2007)


Polypyrole thin- film field- effect transistor

C.C.Bof Bufon and T. Heinzel

Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 012104 (2006)


Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures

T. Heinzel

Wiley-VCH (physics textbook)
2006 2 nd edition ISBN3-527-40638-7


Relationship between Chain Length, Disorder, and Resistivity in
Polypyrrole Films

C.C. Bof Bufon, J. Vollmer, T. Heinzel, P. Espindola, H.  John, and J. Heinze
J. Phys. Chem. B.  109,19191 (2005)


Commensurability effects in hexagonal antidot lattices with large antidot diameters

S. Meckler, T. Heinzel, A. Cavanna, G. Faini, U. Gennser, and D. Mailly

Phys. Rev. B 72, 035319 (2005)


Semicrystalline morphology in thin films of poly(3-hexylthiophene)

S. Hugger, R. Thomann, T. Heinzel, and T. Thurn-Albrecht

Colloid Polymer Sci 282, 932 (2004)


Transport signatures of correlated disorder in a two-dimensional electron gas

T. Heinzel, R. Jäggi, E. Ribeiro, M. v. Waldkirch, K.Ensslin, S.E. Ulloa,
G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, and P. M. Petroff

Europhys. Lett. 61, 674 (2003)


Stability of spin states in quantum dots

S. Lindemann, T. Ihn, T. Heinzel, W. Zwerger, K. Ensslin, K. Maranowski, and A. C. Gossard

Phys.  Rev. B 66 195314 (2002)


Lateral superlattices on parabolic quantum wells

S. Lindemann, M. Banninger, T. Ihn,  T. Heinzel, S.E. Ulloa, K. Ensslin, G. Hackenbroich, K. Maranowski, and A. C. Gossard

Phys. Rev. B 66, 165317 (2002)


Bouncing states in quantum dots

S. Lindemann, T. Ihn, S. Bieri, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, G. Hackenbroich, K. Maranowski, and A. C. Gossard

Phys. Rev. B  66, 161312 (2002)


Electronic properties of antidot lattices fabricated by atomic force lithography

A. Dorn, M. Sigrist, A. Fuhrer, T. Ihn, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 252-254 (2002)


Energy spectra of quantum rings

A. Fuhrer, S. Lüscher, T. Ihn, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

Nature 413, 822 (2001)


Modelling background charge rearrangements near single-electron transistors as a Poisson process

H.-O. Mueller, M. Furlan, T. Heinzel, and  K. Ensslin

Europhys. Lett. 55, 253 (2001)


Analysis of the temperature-dependent quantum point contact conductance in relation to the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions

V. Senz, T. Heinzel, T. Ihn, S. Lindemann, R. Held, K. Ensslin,W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

J. Phys. Condens. Matter 13, 3831 (2001)


Transport properties of quantum dots with hard walls

A. Fuhrer, S. Luescher, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

Phys. Rev. B  63 , 125309 (2001)


Signatures of Spin Pairing in Chaotic Quantum Dots

S. Luescher,  T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, W.Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

Phys. Rev. Lett.  86 , 2118 (2001)


Shot Noise by Quantum Scattering in Chaotic Cavities

S. Oberholzer, E.V. Sukhorukov, C. Strunk, C. Schoenenberger, T. Heinzel, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2114 (2001)


Electronic Properties of nanostructures defined in Ga[Al]As heterostructures by local oxidation

T. Heinzel, R. Held, S. Luescher, K. Ensslin, W.Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

Review Article on AFM lithography
Physica E  9, 84 (2001)


Single-hole transistor in a p-Si/SiGe quantum well

U. Doetsch, U. Gennser, T. Heinzel, S. Luescher, C. David, G. Dehlinger, D. Gruetzmacher, and K. Ensslin

Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 341 (2001)


Analysis of the Metallic Phase of Two-dimensional Holes in SiGe in Terms of Temperature Dependent Screening

V. Senz, T. Ihn, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, G. Dehlinger, D. Gruetzmacher, and U. Gennser

Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 4357 (2000)


An optical study of self-assembled InxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum dots embedded in a two-dimensional electron gas

E. Ribeiro, F. Cerdeira, M.J.S.P. Brasil, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, and P.M. Petroff

J. Appl. Phys. 87, 7994 (2000)


Shifting a quantum wire through a disordered crystal: Observation of conductance fluctuations in real space

T. Heinzel, G. Salis, R. Held, S. L\"uscher, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler

Phys. Rev. B 61, R13353 (2000)


Coexistence of weak localization and a metallic phase in Si/SiGe quantum wells

V. Senz,  T. Heinzel, T. Ihn, K.Ensslin, G. Dehlinger, U. Gennser,  and D. Gruetzmacher

Phys. Rev. B 61, R5082 (2000)


In-plane single electron transistor in Ga[Al]As fabricated by scanning probe lithography

S. Lüscher, A. Fuhrer, R. Held, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, and W. Wegscheider

Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 2452 (1999)


Mode spectroscopy and level coupling in ballistic electron waveguides

G. Salis, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin,  O.J. Homan, and W. Bächtold

Phys. Rev. B 60, 7756 (1999)


Variation of elastic scattering across a quantum well

G. Salis, P. Wirth, T. Heinzel, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, K. Maranowski, and A.C. Gossard

Phys. Rev. B 59, R5304 (1999)


The fermionic Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment

M. Henny, S. Oberholzer, C. Strunk, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, M. Holland, and C. Schönenberger

Science 284, 296 (1999)


Metal-insulator transition in a disordered two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs-AlGaAs at zero magnetic field

E. Ribeiro, R. Jäggi, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, and P.M. Petroff

Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 996 (1999)


Fabricating tunable semiconductor devices with an atomic force microscope

R. Held, S. Lüscher, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, and W. Wegscheider

Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 1134 (1999)


Individual scatterers as microscopic origin of equilibration between spin-polarized edge channels in the quantum Hall regime

Y. Acremann, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, E. Gini, H. Melchior, and M. Holland

Phys. Rev. B 59, 2116 (1999)


In-plane gates and nanostructures fabricated by direct oxidation of semiconductor heterostructures with an atomic force microscope

R. Held, T. Vancura, T. Heinzel, K. Ensslin, M. Holland, and W. Wegscheider

Appl. Phys. Lett., 73, 262 (1998)


InAs self-assembled quantum dots as controllable scattering centers near a two-dimensional electron gas

E. Ribeiro, E. Müller, T. Heinzel, H. Auderset, K. Ensslin, G. Medeiros-Ribeiro, and P. M. Petroff

Phys. Rev. B 58, 1506 (1998)


Statistics of conductance oscillations of a quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime

F. Simmel, T. Heinzel, and D.A. Wharam

Europhys. Lett. 38, 123 (1997)


Conductance and addition spectrum of a 2x2 quantum-dot array in the extended Hubbard model

Z. Yu, T. Heinzel, and A.T. Johnson

Phys. Rev. B 55, 13697 (1997)


Fabrication of a semiconductor quantum point contact by lithography with an atomic force microscope

R. Held, T. Heinzel, P. Studerus, K. Ensslin, and M. Holland

Appl. Phys. Lett., 71 , 2689 (1997)


Coulomb blockade oscillations in a quantum dot strongly coupled to leads

T. Heinzel, A.T. Johnson, D.A. Wharam, J.P. Kotthaus, G. Boehm, W. Klein, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann

Phys. Rev. B 52, 16638 (1995)


Single electron switching in a parallel quantum dot

F. Hofmann, T. Heinzel, D.A. Wharam, J.P. Kotthaus, G. Boehm, W. Klein, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann

Phys. Rev. B 51, R13872 (1995)


Periodic modulation of Coulomb-blockade oscillations in high magnetic fields

T. Heinzel, D.A. Wharam, J.P. Kotthaus, G. Boehm, W. Klein, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann

Phys. Rev. B 50, 15113 (1994)


Modulation of Coulomb Blockade Oscillations by Coherent Resonant Tunnelling

T. Heinzel, S. Manus, D.A. Wharam, J.P. Kotthaus, G. Boehm, W. Klein, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann

Europhys. Lett.  26, 689 (1994)


Current-voltage characteristics of quantum point contacts in the high bias regime

T. Heinzel, D.A. Wharam, F. de Aguiar, J.P. Kotthaus, G. Boehm, W. Klein, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann

Semicond. Sci. Technol. 9, 1220 (1994)


Labelling Spectroscopy on argonhydride and argondeuteride in a plasma beam Penning tube

N. Adolph, T. Heinzel, M. Weidemüller, and H. Figger

Z. Phys. D 24, 15 (1992)



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